April 4, 1995 This latest fix gives the player the ability to name their saved games as well as displaying a picture of where their saved game is located. It also saves any enemies that have been killed and also any gold bars or Z's that have been collected. (SETUP FOR SOUND CARDS) Some sound cards may lock up while initializing due to a conflict with another item inside your computer. The two standard IRQ settings are 5 and 7. If you have a Pro Audio Spectrum, make sure you choose one of the two Pro Audio Spectrum cards; do not choose Sound Blaster Compatible. If you experience sound card lock up problems, simply call or Tech Support Department with information regarding your sound card. Once we have your information, our programmers will attempt to resolve it immediatly. You can always bypass the sound by choosing no music and no sound and the game will work fine. (FUNCTION KEYS) Press F1 for keyboard commands, F2 to Save Game, F3 to Load Game & F4 to recalibrate a joystick. (Special note: When you are using the joystick, the keyboard will not work except for the function keys. To re-enable your keyboard, simply press the K on the keyboard.) (MEMORY MANAGERS) Zorro is NOT compatible with 386 Max. Make sure to make a boot disk which does not use the 386MAX.SYS memory manager. HERE IS A SAMPLE OF WHAT A BOOT DISK MAY LOOK LIKE FOR DOS 6.0. (FILES ON FLOPPY) AUTOEXEC.BAT AUTOEXEC.UMB CHKSTATE.SYS COMMAND.COM CONFIG.SYS {ALL OF THESE FILES CAN BE COPIED DIRECTLY CONFIG.UMB FROM YOUR DOS DIRECTORY TO THE FLOPPY.} EDIT.COM EMM386.EXE HIMEM.SYS MEM.EXE MEMMAKER.EXE MEMMAKER.HLP MEMMAKER.INF MEMMAKER.STS SIZER.EXE (AUTOEXEC.BAT) @ECHO OFF SET BLASTER=A220 I7 D1 T4 {SOUND BLASTER INIT STRING} PROMPT $P$G LH /L:1,27984 C:\BIN\MSCDEX.EXE /D:SONY_000 {YOUR CD DRIVER MAY BE DIFFERENT} CLS (CONFIG.SYS) DEVICE=A:\HIMEM.SYS DEVICE=A:\EMM386.EXE RAM HIGHSCAN D=64 {NEEDED FOR VIDEO PLAYBACK; DOS BUFFERS=20,0 5.0 WILL LOOK DIFFERENT, BUT FILES=30 D=64 MUST STILL BE THERE.} DOS=UMB LASTDRIVE=E FCBS=4,0 DOS=HIGH STACKS=0,0 DEVICEHIGH /L:1,38256 =C:\DEV\SLCD.SYS /D:SONY_000 /B:340 /M:15 /V /C {YOUR CD DRIVER MAY BE DIFFERENT THAN THE ABOVE.} (UPDATES) New versions of Zorro, if need be, can be downloaded from AOL, Compuserve, Software Creations BBS (F156) as well as our Home BBS. Software Creations BBS: (508) 368-7036 (2400 - 14.4) {File Section #156} (508) 365-9352 (14.4 & Up) Capstone Tech Support: (305) 373-3770 Capstone BBS: (305) 374-6872 (2400 - 28.8) Capstone Tech FAX: (305) 577-6173